
The purpose of this blog is to discuss alternative ways of learning new languages and which occupations they may relate to. While taking 3 semesters of Japanese at College of Marin, I didn't just learn the language but I also learned how it was taught in school. In school they teach it by introducing new parts of speech as well as new grammar each lesson. I think this was really effective because even though I'm not taking it right now I still remember a lot of the classes. As great as this seems, I think it has a couple problems with it. One is that a language has thousands of words in it so with just learning the 20-30 at the end of each chapter, you can never hope to understand a native speaker using all kinds of synonyms and words you've never heard before. The other part is if you want to speak normally and understand slang then you have to really talk to native speakers. Because of all of this, I wanted to create a website that would show languages, their cultures, how they apply to businesses, and different websites/techniques for learning them.

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